manufacturing capacity, and magnificent quality."Hard Core Fitness Gear", the premier and one of the top in-house Sports Products manufacturers, is dedicated to designing and manufacturing Safety products of the highest caliber.We would like to introduce a company "Hard Core Fitness Gear " invoice in all kinds of Sports Products business from last 3 decades with large
We intend to constantly update our products and keep you up-to-date with the latest products available throughout the world.Our strength in this business is our skilled labor, latest machinery, quality of the products, with compatative prices and customer satisfactions.We enquired the three basic elements to produce good quality at affordable cost.
i) Appropriate raw material.
ii) Latest equipment.
iii) Know how to control quality management systems.
"Hard Core Fitness Gear" is specialized and offers a broad range of following products made to our traditionally high standards of quality and value.
ALL KINDS OF SPORTS PRPDUCTS and many more according to customer demand and models. For complete list of item, please visit us
Please check and write us your views/demands. If you have own styles, specification, kindly send us without any hesitation. Being original manufacture, we shall produce accordingly.
We are confident after check our prices and visit our website you will find some interest in our company, establishing new business relations, Looking forward to supply your company quality products, on time shipping and building long terms business relation between our two business houses.
Your inquiries about our products/services will be highly appreciated.
We are members of:
- Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association
- Sporting Goods Industry
- Pakistan Sports Goods Manufacturers & Exporters Association
- Pakistan Gloves Manufacturer and Exporter Association
- Sialkot Chamber of Commerce & Industries
- Trade Development Authority of Pakistan